Sunday, August 10, 2008

Grand Cayman Adventure, Day 2: Swimming, Sand and Lobster?

We woke up bright and early our first day in Grand Cayman. Joseph, Jake and I went for an early morning walk before it got too hot. We saw lots of crows. Jake found this wonderful palm branch that he used to help shade us from the sun.

We went swimming to cool off. Riley loves to float around the pool on the raft, much to Joseph's delight.

Then we headed to the beach. The current was kind of rough, but Joseph loved the waves!

We came home for lunch, and Joseph took a nice long nap. You may remember that our luggage didn't arrive with us, so I had been thriftily using the few diapers I had tucked away in our carry-on bag. I had actually put Joseph down to nap in his very last diaper, not sure what I was going to do when he woke up. While he was sleeping, Marty and I ran to the airport to try and find my luggage. Of course as soon as we left, the luggage was delivered to the house. But at least it was there!

After Joseph's nap, we played in the pool some more, and Joseph and Jake morphed into bucket heads.

Jake and Grande caught a lobster -Joseph was so excited when he got to eat it for dinner. Gross!

Before dinner, we headed out on the boat and went over to the Ritz for a drink.

We just barely made it under the bridge.

Joseph and Jake enjoyed fruity drinks (as did the rest of us, but we weren't as cute).

And they posed in front of Grande's boat.

And then enjoyed a quiet ride home.

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