Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Joseph's Cupcakes

We are going to dinner with May and Lisa Thursday night for May's birthday. Joseph is VERY excited, as birthdays are special days, because there is cake.

At the grocery store this evening, we picked out some cupcakes to take to the dinner. Of course, Joseph wanted to eat one right then, but I explained those cupcakes were for May's birthday, and if we ate them tonight, how would we have a birthday party for May?

He looked so sadly down at the cupcakes. He didn't say anything for a long time. Finally he looked up and said, "Mommy, do you think May will let me have a cupcake?"

I said, "Of course! May will even let you pick your own cupcake out!".

His whole face lit up, and he was cheery, and talking about May's birthday party, for the rest of the trip!


Lisa said...

Aww, so cute! Can't wait to see you guys on Thursday (not that I won't see you before then, most likely :)

Kristin Puckett (Collins) said...

Very sweet!