Friday, July 11, 2008

Joseph finally got a cupcake, and saw his first real movie

Even though I hid the cupcakes, Joseph did not forget! He asked each morning, afternoon and night if I thought May would let him have a cupcake. Finally May's birthday party rolled around. We went to dinner with May, Lisa, Eden and Jodee to celebrate May's birthday. May let Joseph have TWO cupcakes. He was very excited, and ended up with icing all over his face and hands! Happy Birthday May!

Tonight we went with Grande, Gigi and his cousin Jake to see Wall-E - Joseph's first real movie in the theatre. He was so cute! Joseph and Jake (who's 6) shared a seat. Joseph sat spell bound the entire time - only blinking when he ran out of popcorn! It was so adorable! I wish I could have taken a picture (although I don't think the rest of the people would have appreciated that).


Julie said...

Weirdly, in this picture, he looks just like May.

Anonymous said...

Yet another picture of me with my eyes closed...