Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dinner with Rowan and Joseph's new shoes

Rowan (and his mom) came over after school today, which is the first time Joseph has invited a friend over. And really the two of them initiated it. Yesterday after school, Rowan said he wanted to come over. Joseph said he wanted Rowan to come over. And like the super moms we are - Heather and myself made it happen!

They were both so excited. When I picked Joseph up from school, his teacher, Miss Jena, told me that the two of them had been talking about Rowan coming to Joseph's house all day long. When Rowan arrived, Joseph was so excited he couldn't even sit down. The two of them ran all over the house making a ton of racket.

They finally calmed down and we went to Steak and Shake for dinner. The two of them were so good! They both sat in their chairs and ate their dinner and drank their chocolate milk shakes like big boys!

Thank you Grand-ma-ma for the wonderful green gator splashers! Joseph LOVES them! We haven't gotten to splash in any puddles yet, but they are also great for clumping loudly through the living room and match any outfit! Here's a photo of him wearing them while reading his favorite book of the moment - last year's Christmas card showing Hunter and Savannah (Beverly's kids) wearing Santa hats!


Kristin Puckett (Collins) said...
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Kristin Puckett (Collins) said...

I love the boots, I have always heard that it is the best gift for a 2-5 year old boy! : )